"Add a bit of cinnamon in the diabetics' menu to maintain constant blood sugar levels."                                                                       The newly discovered compounds in cinnamon activate essential enzymes in the body, thus stimulating the receptors in the cells so that they respond more efficiently to insulin. This helps to process glucose in the blood and to remove excessive amounts.

"Consuming a  dollop of fish oil may be enough to prevent the loss of vision in premature babies."                                         Babies born before their eyes have finished growing run the risk of contracting this disease, which inhibits the development of vessels thus deprives the retina of oxygen.  The more premature the baby, the higher the risk and the more severe the symptoms.

"Boil 4-6 pods of garlic in a glass of milk and consume the garlic pods with milk daily to avoid chest pain."
Garlic is very good source of the mineral 'SELENIUM' which is seldomly found.If you find it hard consuming the garlic boiled in milk or if you have sweet tooth you can try th following as an alternative remedy for curing chest pain"Pound the dates with seeds and eat them everyday" or you can also "Drink a spoonful of Tulasi juice mixed with honey in empty stomach everyday".

"Omega-3, a fatty acid that prevents atherosclerosis is present in foods like herring, mackerel, salmon, tuna, soyabean, walnuts and butternuts. Take these regularly in small quantities to prevent atherosclerosis."
Vegan patients can prefer nuts like walnuts and almonds to fish like Mackerel and Tuna.Soaking the almonds overnite enhances it's nutritional values,but watch out the number of nuts you are consuming per day,the more the number the higher is your cholesterol level,
 so take them in the desired quantity only. 

"Consumption of nuts  in  limited  quantities    makes      your
   LDL cholesterol  fall down and HDL   cholesterol raise up."
Adults who substitute two ounces of almonds for other foods can reduce their LDL cholesterol (the bad kind) by 10 percent in just a month. Almonds are high in monounsaturated fat, a good type of fat also found in avocados, olive oil, and other nuts. When monounsaturated fat replaces saturated or trans fats in your diet, cholesterol levels fall.
"The benefits of eating wheat"
An important battle in the war against disease may be whole-grain wheat. While it has long been believed that wheat's fiber content might prevent cancer, new research shows that wheat contains powerful antioxidants that strongly contribute to the prevention of colon cancer, and possibly diabetes and heart disease. These antioxidants are found in the wheat's orthophenols, and orthophenols survive the baking process. --Kansas State University
"Treat your cough at home with no medicines
in the following simplest possible  way"                                                                                                                                                        Onion is very effective in the treatment of cough.The juice extracted from finely chopped onion helps in loosening the cough and clears the chest-congestion.Take 1-2 teaspoon of onion juice and   add   1-2 teaspoon of Honey into it.Keep this mixture aside for 5-6 hours,and then give a teaspoon of it to the patient at east two times a day.
"Home remedies for Common Cold"
Common cold is a minor yet most annoying problem man ever has,here are some of the efficient tricks that quits common cold off you.Take a glassful of water then add some jaggery and Black pepper to it heat it over low flame and consume it while hot.You can also try applying Eucalyptus oil on forehead and covering yourself in a thick blanket before you go to sleep,you'll profusely sweat all the night which should actualy happen this makes you get rid of cold and fever if any. 
"Do you wish to have a sparkling bright smile?if yes,this is for you"
Strawberries and tomatoes are rich in Vitamin C.Apply them directly on teeth vitamin C helps the removal of accumulated palque on teeth and makes them whiter.You can also rub Orange peel on your teeth before going to bed.There is one more method prepare a mixture of baking soda and vinegar(half teaspoon each)and a pinch of tablesalt,apply this paste on your teeth.This is very beneficial for removing stains off your teeth
and making them white cum bacteria-free.